What is it that keeps you going to church, serving God, doing what is right? Throughout my life, I have heard many excuses why people stop going to church, why they stop serving God and ultimately, stop doing what is right. The vast majority of the excuses have to do with others..."the church is full of hypocrites!"..."they hurt me really bad!"..."the leadership isn't handling things the way I think they ought to!"...etc...
I realized a few years ago, when it seemed like hurt after hurt was heaped upon more hurt, that I couldn't serve God or attend church or do what is right based on what others did. There were moments when it seemed the pain would never end and that my heart would be ripped out of my chest. There were those who were going through the motions, talking the talk, but most definitely NOT walking the walk who were criticizing me. Friends turned their back and walked away and it was in those moments that I realized that the only way to continue serving God and attending church was for me to keep my eyes upon HIM...to do what I KNEW was right. I learned in those moments that I could either keep my eyes on Him and walk on water or I could be like Peter and look at the waves swelling around me and sink every time. I have to trust what God has shown me in His Word and revealed to my heart. I have to hold on to that in order to walk on water...
So...what will you choose to do in this new year? Focus on Christ and walk on water or focus on people and sink? I pray that you will choose to focus on Christ and find the joy and peace that comes from walking with and serving the One who chose to give His life so that we might have everlasting life.
Merry Christmas!
Sister Tammi
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Way behind....
We've been busy since the last post. I'll apologize now for living in slothsville and not updating as I should have. You know that I've fallen behind when my mother-in-law asks if I'm going to shut the blog down. :o) I will admit...with the new website up and running, the thought had crossed my mind...but...it just isn't as personal as a blog...so I'll do my best to post more often for those who are wanting to keep up with what is happening here.
In the last post, we had a not so pleasant experience at the shelter. However, the very next trip...we met a young woman, with five children and one on the way, who had gotten out of an abusive relationship. Her only wish was to find some place safe for her children to lay their heads at night. One of our congregation, knew of some places where she might qualify for housing and gave this woman her phone number, telling her to call the next day and she would take her to these places and get her name on the list. Sister Sherry did take her around the next day and just last week, got a message from her, letting us know that she was thinking of us. We haven't seen her and her children at the mission, so the natural assumption is that she has found a place to live. We have had several trips to the mission since then and have been blessed to talk to those that we have served, to find out what their story is and how they got to the place they are presently in. On our last trip, we met a young lady, who has become disillusioned with the way the world is and decided that she wanted to try to make a difference, so she came down to the mission to help. You could tell it was her first time, there is a look of uncomfortableness on one's face the first time they come to help. Brother Adams and I both had the opportunity to speak with her. We gave her one of our cards and invited her to church. From the conversation, I didn't get the impression that church attendance was a part of her life, but I am praying that if she continues to help out at the mission, the more she gets to know us, the more impressed she will be to join us in service. I think that all us of had a picture in our minds of how we were going to go BE a blessing to those unfortunate souls at the mission...it only took us a few moments, during the first trip, to realize how blessed WE were by being there. We were also thrilled to have Sister Jessica, from Virginia, join us for one trip to the mission. She was very nervous, having never done anything like this before, but by the time we left, that nervous expression was replaced by a look of wonder and a desire to reach out to people like she never had before.
Every Tuesday evening, in October, Brother Rob had a youth service entitled, "What's In Your Backpack." The first night, we had four young people, 1 regular and 3 visitors. Brother Rob challenged those four to do all they could to have 20 people there by the last service. They had 17 for the final service...we allowed them to count Brother Robs 3 oldest daughters to make their 20. Brother Rob started them out with a game...then we served supper...chili dogs, chili, pizza, cookies, ice cream sundaes...not all on the same night, I think they even had nachos one night. After they had played and eaten...then they all went into the sanctuary to watch a short video and Brother Rob talked to them about the topic of the night. The last two services, they were all in the altar, shedding tears and revealing their hearts...it was an awesome session. You know how you do VBS and youth events and then once it is over, all those visitors never darken the doorstep again? Well...the first three visitors that came that first night...are still coming. Brother Rob has a heart for the youth and the youth felt that love. He did an awesome job conducting this youth event. We are also thankful to Sister Amy for planning and preparing the food and to Sister Sherry, who crammed as many kids into her vehicle as she could and made sure to find extra vehicles for those she couldn't cram into her's.
In November, all but 3 of our congregation, attended Family Retreat. Four of the visiting youths from the Backpack series, attended the retreat and one received salvation while there. We also had one saved during service the Sunday prior to the retreat.
Everyone, in our local church has been hit with this virus that is going around, but God has been so good and gracious to touch us and give us strength and the ability to continue doing what He has called us to do. He has blessed us all so much and we are very grateful for His leading. We are excited to see what 2010 holds for The Church of God in Oklahoma City.
We pray that you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, that you feel the peace that only He can give and that you will share the blessing of knowing Him with all you come in contact with now and always. Have a safe and blessed Merry Christmas!
In the last post, we had a not so pleasant experience at the shelter. However, the very next trip...we met a young woman, with five children and one on the way, who had gotten out of an abusive relationship. Her only wish was to find some place safe for her children to lay their heads at night. One of our congregation, knew of some places where she might qualify for housing and gave this woman her phone number, telling her to call the next day and she would take her to these places and get her name on the list. Sister Sherry did take her around the next day and just last week, got a message from her, letting us know that she was thinking of us. We haven't seen her and her children at the mission, so the natural assumption is that she has found a place to live. We have had several trips to the mission since then and have been blessed to talk to those that we have served, to find out what their story is and how they got to the place they are presently in. On our last trip, we met a young lady, who has become disillusioned with the way the world is and decided that she wanted to try to make a difference, so she came down to the mission to help. You could tell it was her first time, there is a look of uncomfortableness on one's face the first time they come to help. Brother Adams and I both had the opportunity to speak with her. We gave her one of our cards and invited her to church. From the conversation, I didn't get the impression that church attendance was a part of her life, but I am praying that if she continues to help out at the mission, the more she gets to know us, the more impressed she will be to join us in service. I think that all us of had a picture in our minds of how we were going to go BE a blessing to those unfortunate souls at the mission...it only took us a few moments, during the first trip, to realize how blessed WE were by being there. We were also thrilled to have Sister Jessica, from Virginia, join us for one trip to the mission. She was very nervous, having never done anything like this before, but by the time we left, that nervous expression was replaced by a look of wonder and a desire to reach out to people like she never had before.
Every Tuesday evening, in October, Brother Rob had a youth service entitled, "What's In Your Backpack." The first night, we had four young people, 1 regular and 3 visitors. Brother Rob challenged those four to do all they could to have 20 people there by the last service. They had 17 for the final service...we allowed them to count Brother Robs 3 oldest daughters to make their 20. Brother Rob started them out with a game...then we served supper...chili dogs, chili, pizza, cookies, ice cream sundaes...not all on the same night, I think they even had nachos one night. After they had played and eaten...then they all went into the sanctuary to watch a short video and Brother Rob talked to them about the topic of the night. The last two services, they were all in the altar, shedding tears and revealing their hearts...it was an awesome session. You know how you do VBS and youth events and then once it is over, all those visitors never darken the doorstep again? Well...the first three visitors that came that first night...are still coming. Brother Rob has a heart for the youth and the youth felt that love. He did an awesome job conducting this youth event. We are also thankful to Sister Amy for planning and preparing the food and to Sister Sherry, who crammed as many kids into her vehicle as she could and made sure to find extra vehicles for those she couldn't cram into her's.
In November, all but 3 of our congregation, attended Family Retreat. Four of the visiting youths from the Backpack series, attended the retreat and one received salvation while there. We also had one saved during service the Sunday prior to the retreat.
Everyone, in our local church has been hit with this virus that is going around, but God has been so good and gracious to touch us and give us strength and the ability to continue doing what He has called us to do. He has blessed us all so much and we are very grateful for His leading. We are excited to see what 2010 holds for The Church of God in Oklahoma City.
We pray that you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, that you feel the peace that only He can give and that you will share the blessing of knowing Him with all you come in contact with now and always. Have a safe and blessed Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday Morning Ministry
Since we aren't able to have a Sunday morning service, YET...we have decided to minister in the community, as a church. We went to the City Rescue Mission and volunteered to serve food to the homeless and the poor. We are starting out by doing it every other Sunday morning, but I'm fairly certain that it will become an every Sunday morning event for those of us who were present this past Sunday. It was amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.
I'm a behind the scenes kind of gal, so when asked to help serve food...I had no problem. The rest of our crew were asked to serve water, pickup trays when the people were finished, to have conversations with those who were being fed, to make connections with them...as Brad said, "what we do back here (the serving line) brings them in here, but the real ministry is out there, making connections with those you are helpless and hopeless." It was amazing for me to watch as Brother Rob and his twin girls, Emma and Madison, went around striking up conversations with all kinds of people. For those of you who know Brother Rob, he doesn't meet a stranger and is rarely at a loss for words and it is really cool to see God working through him. My husband tends to stand back and get a feel for the situation, but once he gets started, it is hard to slow him down and before too long, he was striking up conversations all over the place too. The biggest blessing for me, was to see my sister, Kim, who has such a heart to serve, ministering in such simple ways as laying a hand on the shoulder and speaking softly to the people, asking if she could get them more water or take their tray or simply listening when they wanted to talk and to see my very energetic, 7 year old nephew, having the time of his life, offering water to everyone, including those who had water. He was so excited that he could help too. I was blessed to be able to have conversations with those on the serving line and in the kitchen and to hear their testimonies of how God had delivered them from drugs and alchohol and was helping them to raise families in the way they should go and not the way their parents had went.
At the end of our shift, my husband came to me and asked if I would go with Brother Rob to talk to a woman whose family, of 6, had recently ended up in the homeless shelter. Both parents had recently lost their jobs, causing them to lose their homes and they had come to Oklahoma, from California, trying to find new jobs, but were now at the CRM. The wife was frustrated, feeling helpless and had arrived at hopeless and didn't want to live anymore. So, I went with Brother Rob and walked right in to a hornet's nest, due to a situation that was occurring as we were going over to that side of the building. By the time I met the woman, her hopelessness had been replaced by anger and she said to her husband, "So, is the church going to help us or are they JUST going to pray?!" That is why I referred to that meeting as a hornet's nest, because there was no way to walk into it without being stung. In that moment, Brother Rob and I both got a glimpse of the helplessness and frustration these people were feeling, because as a church, with a vision of helping those who have fallen upon hard times, those with addictions, those who are helpless and hopeless, we realized at that moment, all we had to offer them was prayer and the Word of God and while those are two very powerful things, in that moment, it wasn't enough and because we couldn't help them in the physical aspect, the door to minister to them spiritually, was being closed.
I've never been one to beg or plead, especially for money, but the ministry that God has called us to in this city is one that takes money, more money than a few bake sales, doughnut sales or any other kinds of sales can raise. I'm begging, pleading for those who read this blog, if you have a heart for missions...don't just raise money for foreign missions, we are doing our part for October World Missions too, but remember that right here, in the U.S. we are surrounded by mission fields and it takes money to minister to those who are lost, hopeless and helpless. Spread the word that we need help, if you want to help, contact me and I'll send you mailing information, if you can't help financially, PRAY that God will provide the finances needed, PRAY that God will provide workers. If our neighbor knocks on our door and asks for bread and we send them away by saying, "be filled" and do nothing to meet that physical need, then what good have we done. We can give them spiritual food, but if they are struggling to have those physical needs taken care of, they will not accept the spiritual food that we've offered. Help us reach this city of 1.2 million people.
I'm a behind the scenes kind of gal, so when asked to help serve food...I had no problem. The rest of our crew were asked to serve water, pickup trays when the people were finished, to have conversations with those who were being fed, to make connections with them...as Brad said, "what we do back here (the serving line) brings them in here, but the real ministry is out there, making connections with those you are helpless and hopeless." It was amazing for me to watch as Brother Rob and his twin girls, Emma and Madison, went around striking up conversations with all kinds of people. For those of you who know Brother Rob, he doesn't meet a stranger and is rarely at a loss for words and it is really cool to see God working through him. My husband tends to stand back and get a feel for the situation, but once he gets started, it is hard to slow him down and before too long, he was striking up conversations all over the place too. The biggest blessing for me, was to see my sister, Kim, who has such a heart to serve, ministering in such simple ways as laying a hand on the shoulder and speaking softly to the people, asking if she could get them more water or take their tray or simply listening when they wanted to talk and to see my very energetic, 7 year old nephew, having the time of his life, offering water to everyone, including those who had water. He was so excited that he could help too. I was blessed to be able to have conversations with those on the serving line and in the kitchen and to hear their testimonies of how God had delivered them from drugs and alchohol and was helping them to raise families in the way they should go and not the way their parents had went.
At the end of our shift, my husband came to me and asked if I would go with Brother Rob to talk to a woman whose family, of 6, had recently ended up in the homeless shelter. Both parents had recently lost their jobs, causing them to lose their homes and they had come to Oklahoma, from California, trying to find new jobs, but were now at the CRM. The wife was frustrated, feeling helpless and had arrived at hopeless and didn't want to live anymore. So, I went with Brother Rob and walked right in to a hornet's nest, due to a situation that was occurring as we were going over to that side of the building. By the time I met the woman, her hopelessness had been replaced by anger and she said to her husband, "So, is the church going to help us or are they JUST going to pray?!" That is why I referred to that meeting as a hornet's nest, because there was no way to walk into it without being stung. In that moment, Brother Rob and I both got a glimpse of the helplessness and frustration these people were feeling, because as a church, with a vision of helping those who have fallen upon hard times, those with addictions, those who are helpless and hopeless, we realized at that moment, all we had to offer them was prayer and the Word of God and while those are two very powerful things, in that moment, it wasn't enough and because we couldn't help them in the physical aspect, the door to minister to them spiritually, was being closed.
I've never been one to beg or plead, especially for money, but the ministry that God has called us to in this city is one that takes money, more money than a few bake sales, doughnut sales or any other kinds of sales can raise. I'm begging, pleading for those who read this blog, if you have a heart for missions...don't just raise money for foreign missions, we are doing our part for October World Missions too, but remember that right here, in the U.S. we are surrounded by mission fields and it takes money to minister to those who are lost, hopeless and helpless. Spread the word that we need help, if you want to help, contact me and I'll send you mailing information, if you can't help financially, PRAY that God will provide the finances needed, PRAY that God will provide workers. If our neighbor knocks on our door and asks for bread and we send them away by saying, "be filled" and do nothing to meet that physical need, then what good have we done. We can give them spiritual food, but if they are struggling to have those physical needs taken care of, they will not accept the spiritual food that we've offered. Help us reach this city of 1.2 million people.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Up and running!
Brother Nick, Brother Rob and Pastor Ray have been working on a church website and it is now up and running. It is totally awesome. God anointed them as they worked on it and they did a great job, so check it out and let them know what you think: www.tcogokc.com.
Sister Tammi
Sister Tammi
Monday, September 14, 2009
Welcome Bro. Nick!
Last night, we were privileged to be able to accept Brother Nick's transfer of membership. Unfortunately, I was dealing with a migraine and forgot my music AND my camera. Fortunately, I remembered the music in time to have my sister grab it on her way out of the house, but...sadly, not in time for the camera. Therefore...I am so sad to say there are no pictures of Bro. Nick being given the right hand of fellowship, but that doesn't mean that we aren't thrilled to finally to be able to claim him as one of our own. Woohoo! We've doubled our membership in four weeks...we seriously need to keep this up.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Welcome Bro. Paul and "Games People Play"
Welcoming Brother Paul as our newest member.
In the background, you hear the Spinners singing "Games People Play" while the pastor begins to pull games out of a box. Some may think that they've walked into the wrong place...but there is a point to all of this. How do we treat our service to God?
Some treat their service to God like a game of Yahtze. They roll the dice and see what they get, hoping they can fill in all the boxes before the game ends.
Some treat their service to God like a game of Uno. Hoping to pull all of the wilds and to miss all the draw fours.
Some have "Aggravation" while serving God and can't seem to get beyond it. If they aren't feeling the aggravation, they are causing others to feel it.
In his best Chinese voice: "Chinese Check-ahhhhs". Always trying to out-maneuver their brother or sister.
We treat God and our service to God like a game. We take Him out when we need or want something, then when we've satisfied that want/need, we put the lid back on the box and shove Him to the back of the closet and then wonder why our lives aren't blessed, why the Church isn't being blessed, why the Holy Ghost isn't moving in our services. We want to serve according to our own desires not according to God's desires.
Bottom line: Stop playing games with God and your eternity because when the game is over...you are out of time and will be lost.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pictures of recent events!
On August 9, 2009, The Church of God was organized in Oklahoma City, OK. I've not edited any of the pictures because they would never get put on here, if I waited until I had them edited, so...here's Brother Rob and Sister Amy singing, "He Knows My Name."

The campsite...otherwise known as "tent city".
Having a blast playing in the lake.
Saturday morning was "guys only" time
out on the pontoon boat with Brother Nick as the "Skipper". Although they didn't have much luck with the fish, they still managed to get in a good amount of fellowship.
Brother Paul quietly and patiently waiting for a tug on his line.
Sister Loree and Brother Bill enjoying their canoeing. Early morning and late evening seemed to be the best time to be out in the canoe since most of the big boats weren't out making waves at those times.
Sister Kim and Ethan tried their hand at canoeing and really enjoyed it. The Brock's are really good instructors, making it easy to learn how to canoe.
Sister Amy was one of the few who actually caught any fish. That may have been one of the largest caught too.
Brother Ray brought the message from Luke 15 and made us think and examine our own lives to make sure that we were "doing the will of the Father". There was an older couple camped fairly close to us. They had watched us most of the weekend, guess we provided interesting entertainment. Anyway, they had packed up their tent before we started service, but they hung around their site to listen in to the service. Sister Amy did an awesome job leading us in singing without any instruments.
Such a sweet face...I just had to take a picture!
Hope you enjoyed the pictoral history of what we've been up to. Maybe it will cause you to want to come join us for an event or even better, come join us for service.
Sister Tammi
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A reminder...
Just wanted to take a moment to remind those who had planned to join us for camping, that it is this Friday thru Sunday at Wes Watkins Reservoir. Sister Sherry will be arriving around 11:00 (if not before) on Friday morning to snag a couple of campsites for the tents, close to the bathrooms. I think the sites are large enough to accommodate 3-4 tents so we can share the site expenses. We will be having a church service, on Sunday morning, at the campground. I was asked if we would be having any joint meals (potluck), and after talking to several, we've decided that we'll plan and cook meals for our own families and then eat together. I am looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the fellowship of all that attend.
We are having Bible study tonight, but I received a voicemail informing me that it will be held at Brother Paul Clevenger's home tonight and unfortunately, I have no idea where that is, so I can't tell anyone how to get there. If you were planning on attending tonight...I'm really sorry that I can't tell you where to go. Please forgive me.
I do have pictures from the service the Church was organized, but I haven't had time to sort through and see which ones turned out. I'll try to get some up in the next week or so.
If we don't see you tonight, hope we see you at the campout.
Sister Tammi
We are having Bible study tonight, but I received a voicemail informing me that it will be held at Brother Paul Clevenger's home tonight and unfortunately, I have no idea where that is, so I can't tell anyone how to get there. If you were planning on attending tonight...I'm really sorry that I can't tell you where to go. Please forgive me.
I do have pictures from the service the Church was organized, but I haven't had time to sort through and see which ones turned out. I'll try to get some up in the next week or so.
If we don't see you tonight, hope we see you at the campout.
Sister Tammi
Friday, August 7, 2009
You are invited!
To join us for a very special service--
When: Sunday, 9 August 2009
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Where: 7200 S. Walker
Oklahoma City, OK
(lower level)
What's so special about this service?
We will be setting The Church of God in order during this service.
We are looking forward to having Brother Clive Jared and Brother Don Branscum in service with us.
We will have a time of food and fellowship following this service.
We would love to have you join us if you are in the area.
Come celebrate with us!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
God is good!
Thank you so much for praying with us as we searched for a place to worship other than our living rooms. The building that we looked at on Monday night will provide a sanctuary, classroom, bathrooms, sound/video system, use of baptismal and fellowship hall for $350 per month which is a real blessing in such a large city. We knew on Monday evening that this would be a great deal, but were faced with coming up with first and last months rent and who has that kind of money just laying around when you are starting out? Not us...but after praying...God provided. We will be signing the papers and turning over a check tomorrow evening. Our first service in the new place will be next Sunday evening at 6:00. We are all very excited and very thankful for what God is doing here.
We had a wonderful Sunday School and service this morning. God's sweet Spirit moved throughout during class time, worship time as well as during the preaching. We had 14 in attendance, which is about what we've been averaging on Sunday morning. We had 19 during our first mid-week Bible Study, so not a bad start. We had a new visitor this morning and were very happy to make his acquaintance and hope that he will return again and again. I'll be sure to post the address to the new location for those who would like to attend, but wasn't too sure about attending church in someone's living room.
Have a great week!
Sister Tammi
We had a wonderful Sunday School and service this morning. God's sweet Spirit moved throughout during class time, worship time as well as during the preaching. We had 14 in attendance, which is about what we've been averaging on Sunday morning. We had 19 during our first mid-week Bible Study, so not a bad start. We had a new visitor this morning and were very happy to make his acquaintance and hope that he will return again and again. I'll be sure to post the address to the new location for those who would like to attend, but wasn't too sure about attending church in someone's living room.
Have a great week!
Sister Tammi
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We went to look at the building last evening. It is a large church that chose to break up the lower level into two different sanctuaries, classrooms, as well as the fellowship hall, while leaving the upper level intact. The point was/is to be able to help smaller congregations or congregations just getting started in having an affordable place to worship until they are financially on their feet. So...the sanctuary that we looked at, will hold 60-80 people, has padded chairs, an electric baby grand, drums, pulpit, sound/video system and one extra classroom. We would also have access to the fellowship hall and baptismal and all that for only $350 per month. We are in the process of coming up with 1st and last months rent and then we'll have a place to worship other than our living rooms. We are having a bake sale on 15 August to raise funds for either the deposits or the building fund, whichever we need it for. We are having our first annual church campout 21-23 August at Wes Watkins Reservoir, just east of OKC, off I-40. Anyone want to join us? We are also looking forward to the Church being set in order in August, just haven't decided on the date yet. A lot of exciting things happening this next month. We invite you to join us for any or all of these happenings, if you are in the area.
Have a wonderful week!
Sister Tammi
Have a wonderful week!
Sister Tammi
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Please pray!
We have an appointment to view a property tomorrow evening. We would be renting until we raise enough to purchase our own. It has a sanctuary, classrooms, the use of the fellowship hall, as well as a baptismal. We need God to lead our guys in knowing whether this is the place that He would have us to meet, so if you would join us in prayer, we would appreciate it.
Had a wonderful service this morning. God's presence moved throughout and the message was anointed. It was refreshing and if you could have been there and weren't...we missed you. Hope to see you next Sunday.
Sister Tammi
Had a wonderful service this morning. God's presence moved throughout and the message was anointed. It was refreshing and if you could have been there and weren't...we missed you. Hope to see you next Sunday.
Sister Tammi
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Did You Know...
...if 4800 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $25, then $120,000 could be raised?
...if 2400 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $50, then $120,000 could be raised?
...if 1200 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $100, again $120,000 could be raised?
Those of us who are members of The Church of God have heard it said, "If the need is presented to the membership, the membership will be faithful to give". We have found out, that when you are starting a work, from the ground up, you don't have the 3 years financial history that the banks want in order to consider you for a bank loan to purchase a property. Therefore, we must raise the money. Most of you know how difficult it can be to raise enough money, in a short amount of time, when you have to pay high rent costs. We will be doing fund raisers, i.e., bake sales, sno-cone sales, etc...but those aren't going to raise the bulk of the funds needed, so...I am appealing to those who read this blog and to any that you know who would be willing to give a one-time offering to help purchase a property for this new congregation. If we would do this for every small church, that does not have a building of their own, it wouldn't be long before they would have their own properties as well. What is the old saying, "Many hands make lite work"? Well...if many were to give, then no one person or small group of people would be carrying the huge load. I realize that in some areas $120,000 would barely be a down payment, but in other areas, it would pay the purchase cost as well as leave a little extra in the expense fund for operating costs.
If you would, prayerfully consider this request. If you would like to donate or know someone who would love to help get this new work off the ground, you can contact me for more information, either in the comment section (leave your e-mail) or e-mail me at tcogokc@gmail.com. Tax receipts will be provided upon request.
Thank you and God bless you!
Sister Tammi
...if 2400 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $50, then $120,000 could be raised?
...if 1200 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $100, again $120,000 could be raised?
Those of us who are members of The Church of God have heard it said, "If the need is presented to the membership, the membership will be faithful to give". We have found out, that when you are starting a work, from the ground up, you don't have the 3 years financial history that the banks want in order to consider you for a bank loan to purchase a property. Therefore, we must raise the money. Most of you know how difficult it can be to raise enough money, in a short amount of time, when you have to pay high rent costs. We will be doing fund raisers, i.e., bake sales, sno-cone sales, etc...but those aren't going to raise the bulk of the funds needed, so...I am appealing to those who read this blog and to any that you know who would be willing to give a one-time offering to help purchase a property for this new congregation. If we would do this for every small church, that does not have a building of their own, it wouldn't be long before they would have their own properties as well. What is the old saying, "Many hands make lite work"? Well...if many were to give, then no one person or small group of people would be carrying the huge load. I realize that in some areas $120,000 would barely be a down payment, but in other areas, it would pay the purchase cost as well as leave a little extra in the expense fund for operating costs.
If you would, prayerfully consider this request. If you would like to donate or know someone who would love to help get this new work off the ground, you can contact me for more information, either in the comment section (leave your e-mail) or e-mail me at tcogokc@gmail.com. Tax receipts will be provided upon request.
Thank you and God bless you!
Sister Tammi
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
First OFFICIAL Service...
Tonight was our first official service as a mission work here in OKC. Our first unofficial service was the 5th of July with 14 in attendance...tonight we had 19 in attendance. It was a good service. Brother Rob shared the scriptures 'if you need wisdom to ask of God who gives it liberally,' not an exact quote, but you get the idea...then he shared another scripture about Christ being that wisdom and we can gain that wisdom by knowing Christ more through prayer, study, assembling together and then being obedient when the Holy Ghost reveals things in our lives that we need to walk away from.
We are all excited to see how God will use each of us in this work, but most of all, we are excited to see God work in the lives of those who need salvation, need answers to the questions in their lives and need to be healed (physically, emotionally and spiritually). We are busting out of the four walls to "Go ye into ALL the world...". It is our desire to reach out to those that most church goers would shun because they don't fit the mold. No more preaching to the choir...after all...Christ said that those who are whole don't need a physician, but those who are sick. If the "choir" isn't whole after all the years of being preached to, then someone isn't doing their job...it is time to reach out to those who are on the fast track to a devil's hell.
We would appreciate your prayers and occasionally, a word of encouragement would be appreciated too. Time is so short...we must be about the Father's business...it is time to bust out!
Sister Tammi
We are all excited to see how God will use each of us in this work, but most of all, we are excited to see God work in the lives of those who need salvation, need answers to the questions in their lives and need to be healed (physically, emotionally and spiritually). We are busting out of the four walls to "Go ye into ALL the world...". It is our desire to reach out to those that most church goers would shun because they don't fit the mold. No more preaching to the choir...after all...Christ said that those who are whole don't need a physician, but those who are sick. If the "choir" isn't whole after all the years of being preached to, then someone isn't doing their job...it is time to reach out to those who are on the fast track to a devil's hell.
We would appreciate your prayers and occasionally, a word of encouragement would be appreciated too. Time is so short...we must be about the Father's business...it is time to bust out!
Sister Tammi
You are invited!
To: Bible Study
When: Wednesday, 15 July 2009 (tonight)
Where: 12112 South Land Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK
Time: 7:00 P.M.
For further information you may call:
Hope to see you tonight!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
First-UNOFFICIAL-Service in OKC
This first service was bittersweet. It was exciting and sad at the same time. Sister Sharon had been praying for so long for this day and yet, instead of being with us in our first service, she was rejoicing around the throne of our Lord and Savior. God called her home just after midnight on the 4th of July. The family chose to go ahead and have service in their home even though she wouldn't be there to join us. It was a wonderful service...God's presence and anointing was felt by all. Brother Rob did a great job moderating the Sunday School portion, teaching the children and providing the music for the worship service. He and Sister Amy sang my favorite song, "He Knows My Name" (I think that is the title) and the entire congregation caught on to the chorus very quickly and we sang it a lot as the Holy Ghost moved throughout. I haven't led congregational singing for 10 years, so I felt a little rusty, but Brother Rob really helped me out. Brother Ray spoke a little of how God laid on our hearts, 6 years ago, to get a work going in OKC, but every door was shut at that time and how God had brought that burden back to us and all the doors were now opening and how God had been dealing with others concerning getting the work going in OKC. You can't start a work without a plan or knowing where you are heading, so Brother Ray laid out 14 points to help focus our attention in getting the work going. Everyone is so excited about getting The Church of God established in OKC, so much in fact, that we all headed to Ricky's for lunch so we could talk and fellowship some more. We had 14 in attendance this morning. What a great way to get started.
While I have closed my personal blog, I hope to keep those who are interested, posted as to how the work is going here in southwest OKC. Whether you comment or not, I do hope that you will be praying for us as we seek to fulfill God's plan for this work and our lives.
God be with you! Sister Tammi
While I have closed my personal blog, I hope to keep those who are interested, posted as to how the work is going here in southwest OKC. Whether you comment or not, I do hope that you will be praying for us as we seek to fulfill God's plan for this work and our lives.
God be with you! Sister Tammi
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