Sunday, July 5, 2009

First-UNOFFICIAL-Service in OKC

This first service was bittersweet. It was exciting and sad at the same time. Sister Sharon had been praying for so long for this day and yet, instead of being with us in our first service, she was rejoicing around the throne of our Lord and Savior. God called her home just after midnight on the 4th of July. The family chose to go ahead and have service in their home even though she wouldn't be there to join us. It was a wonderful service...God's presence and anointing was felt by all. Brother Rob did a great job moderating the Sunday School portion, teaching the children and providing the music for the worship service. He and Sister Amy sang my favorite song, "He Knows My Name" (I think that is the title) and the entire congregation caught on to the chorus very quickly and we sang it a lot as the Holy Ghost moved throughout. I haven't led congregational singing for 10 years, so I felt a little rusty, but Brother Rob really helped me out. Brother Ray spoke a little of how God laid on our hearts, 6 years ago, to get a work going in OKC, but every door was shut at that time and how God had brought that burden back to us and all the doors were now opening and how God had been dealing with others concerning getting the work going in OKC. You can't start a work without a plan or knowing where you are heading, so Brother Ray laid out 14 points to help focus our attention in getting the work going. Everyone is so excited about getting The Church of God established in OKC, so much in fact, that we all headed to Ricky's for lunch so we could talk and fellowship some more. We had 14 in attendance this morning. What a great way to get started.

While I have closed my personal blog, I hope to keep those who are interested, posted as to how the work is going here in southwest OKC. Whether you comment or not, I do hope that you will be praying for us as we seek to fulfill God's plan for this work and our lives.

God be with you! Sister Tammi


SIS-MC said...

Sis Tammi,
God has a purpose and a plan. We are not always sure of the whys and the whens, but, He is always in control.
I enjoy your blogs, I admit, I am a bad responder, but, an avid reader.
Praying for you, Bro Adams and the work ahead.

Momma Tammi said...

Thank you so much for the prayers. We truly do appreciate them.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Praise The Lord!!! Glad you are keeping us involved with the excitement.

Momma Tammi said...

Hopefully, this blog will be an encouragement for others to step out of their comfort zones too.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear of the good things happening.