Friday, July 30, 2010

Made a day of it...

This past Sunday, we just made a day of being together.  We started with our normal Sunday School.  Had great participation in the adult class and the little ones seem to enjoy their special VeggieTales lesson.  Then we moved into the worship service.  God's presence filled the place as each one worshipped Him during the singing.  Our pastor got under the anointing as He preached which led to a time of praying around the altar...yes, we have an altar (it is really just the bench that I have in the entryway, but it is moved to the living room for service).  It wasn't a shouting service, but one of those deep, pressing in a little deeper kind of services.

After the morning service was dismissed, we enjoyed a wonderful potluck lunch.  This was the first potluck that we weren't over-run with desserts...matter of fact...we didn't have any dessert...but we had so much good food that we really didn't miss it.  I truly appreciate all that helped in providing the food, as well as those who helped in getting it set out and arranged buffet style in my tiny kitchen.

Once our tummies were full, we headed back to the living room to have our communion and feet washing service.  We started out with prayer and then I led "Do This In Remembrance Of Me" by Cheri Keaggy.  God's presence hadn't left and begin to move on all present.  Our pastor shared some scriptures and admonished those present to not take communion if their hearts were not right with God, but told them that now would be the perfect time to surrender their hearts to God and he gave us the opportunity to pray, search our hearts and make sure that we were ready to participate in remembering what Christ did for each of us.  It was a very sacred time and I am so overwhelmed with gratefulness as I think of what Christ suffered and the love that caused Him to do so, just so that I could be reconciled to the Father.  There was such a sweet spirit in this place as we did as Christ commanded and took part in the communion service.

Afterwards we separated, men staying in the living room, ladies taking up their chairs and moving to my office, to have the feet washing portion of the service.  When I arrived, carrying the tub of warm water, the ladies had the chairs set up and every eye turned to look at me.  Talk about that moment, all thoughts of what I should be doing, fled and I became a doofy teen who didn't know what was expected of her, all over again.  I am such a pitiful pastor's wife some days. ;-p  So very thankful for Sister Loree coming to my rescue.  She took the tub and got the ball rolling.  I was so blessed to see each lady, kneeling before one another and praying for one another as they washed the feet of the person sitting across from them.  We had one young lady, who had never seen anything like this, who participated with her was sweet watching them.  While I was watching and waiting for the tub to get to my end, Kaylee, (Rob and Amy Montgomery's next to youngest) asked me to wash her feet.  Kaylee is 2 or 3 (I have an awful memory when it comes to ages), but she wanted to participate.  Train up a I happily said that I would.  When it was our turn, I knelt before her and realized that her little feet would never reach the tub with her sitting in the chair, so one of the ladies held her under the arms so that her feet could reach.  Kaylee was very solemn, no playing, as I washed her feet and prayed for her, while her Mommy stood behind me and instructed her that she should be praying for me.  When I had finished, she wanted to wash my feet.  Once again, I am overwhelmed with emotion, just thinking about this precious little one wanting to serve God and observe His commands.  Kaylee was so precious and with a little help accomplished the job.  Afterwards, Emma realized that she and Madison had missed out and she was so distraught, so while everyone else was putting the chairs back in their places, I fixed a tub of water and grabbed a towel and took them to a quiet corner so that they too, might be able to have their own feet washing time.  They didn't play, they took it all very seriously.  Kaylee didn't want to be left out either, so Emma and Madison washed Kaylee's feet for a second time.  It was very sweet.

We followed all of that up with quarterly business conference.  A lot packed into one day, which makes for a very long day, but it was such a good day...a very blessed day.

On 9 August, The Church of God at Oklahoma City, will celebrate it's 1st anniversary of establishment.   While some things haven't progressed as quickly, in some areas, as we had hoped, God has blessed this work.  We have faced opposition, but God has made us stronger and more focused.  Apathy has tried to take over, but God constantly brings us back to the vision that He has given to all of us for the work here.  Discouragement has tried to get us down, but the Bible reminds us that with God ALL things are possible.  I'm reminded of an old song that says, "He didn't bring us this far to leave us.  He didn't teach us to swim to let us drown.  He didn't build His home in us to move away.  He didn't lift us up, to let us down."  Jesus placed this vision in our hearts, He began this work and what He begins, He completes!

Our General Assembly will be taking place, beginning 17 August in North Carolina.  We will be flying out on the 18th to attend the Assembly and from there we will be flying to Seattle to spend a week with our sons and their families.  We will miss Sunday, 22 August, but there will be a service in our absence.  Pastor Ray will make sure that the information is given to all who will not be attending the General Assembly.

God bless and keep you!  Till next time...

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

Had a wonderful service yesterday morning.  Our pastor preached a message on "Who Am I".  He posed three questions to each of us. 

1) Who is God in our families and are we serving Him?
2) Who is God in our churches and are we fulfilling His commands?
3) Who is God to me?

He challenged us to answer these questions honestly within ourselves.  We need to know who God is to each one of us.  Christ asked His disciples who others said that He was, then after they answered, He asked them, "who do you say that I am?"  Is He some genie waiting to wave a magic wand over our situations and make everything okay so that we can continue to live any way that we want?  Is He some meanie looking down from heaven just waiting for us to mess up so He can strike us down?  What is HE to YOU?

We sang a song in worship yesterday, called "Made Me Glad" by Hillsong.  As I sang that song, I reflected on the words and when I think of God, this is what He is to me.

Made Me Glad

I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
And he has set my feet upon a rock
And I will not be moved
And I'll say of the Lord....

You are my shield
My strength
My portion
My shelter
Strong tower
My very present help in time of need

Whom have I in Heaven but you?
There's none I desire beside you
You have made me glad
And I'll say of the Lord.... 

He is my Savior, my Redeemer, my Peace, my Comfort, my Healer and so many other things.  We must know and have it settled in our heart, soul and mind what and who God is to us, because that dictates who He will be in our families and in our churches. 

We are very thankful for the way God moved in the service.  Sister Loree had been very sick during last week's service and started feeling sick again as they got to church yesterday.  We anointed and prayed for her before the worship service began.  During the altar service, the ladies gathered around Sister Loree and began praying for her again and God wonderfully touched her body and the sickness left and God blessed her as she worshipped Him for being her healer!

Following the morning service, we had a BBQ.  Everyone stayed and even though it was raining and the little ones couldn't be outside playing much, we all had a good time.  Lots of wonderful food.  Garlic and herb grilled chicken, burgers, hot links and hot dogs.  Baked beans, garden salad with fresh tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, pasta salad, a veggie platter, fruit, a berry trifle and brownies for dessert.  We were all stuffed.  We had great fellowship with one another.  Wonderful day to celebrate the independence of our great nation, as well as enjoying the freedom to worship our God and Creator.

Next week we will be in our Regional Convention, so there will be no services held in OKC.  Be in prayer for Brother Ray as he is on to preach first thing on Saturday morning and pray for me also, I will be teaching the 9-11 year olds about sanctification on Saturday morning as well.  We both need the anointing of God, but I need inspiration to be able to explain and teach these little ones about sanctification so that they will understand it and be able to live a holy, sanctified life once they receive this second definite work of grace.

Hope to see you at convention!  Until next time.