Friday, December 18, 2009

Just a thought...

What is it that keeps you going to church, serving God, doing what is right? Throughout my life, I have heard many excuses why people stop going to church, why they stop serving God and ultimately, stop doing what is right. The vast majority of the excuses have to do with others..."the church is full of hypocrites!"..."they hurt me really bad!"..."the leadership isn't handling things the way I think they ought to!"...etc...

I realized a few years ago, when it seemed like hurt after hurt was heaped upon more hurt, that I couldn't serve God or attend church or do what is right based on what others did. There were moments when it seemed the pain would never end and that my heart would be ripped out of my chest. There were those who were going through the motions, talking the talk, but most definitely NOT walking the walk who were criticizing me. Friends turned their back and walked away and it was in those moments that I realized that the only way to continue serving God and attending church was for me to keep my eyes upon do what I KNEW was right. I learned in those moments that I could either keep my eyes on Him and walk on water or I could be like Peter and look at the waves swelling around me and sink every time. I have to trust what God has shown me in His Word and revealed to my heart. I have to hold on to that in order to walk on water...

So...what will you choose to do in this new year? Focus on Christ and walk on water or focus on people and sink? I pray that you will choose to focus on Christ and find the joy and peace that comes from walking with and serving the One who chose to give His life so that we might have everlasting life.

Merry Christmas!

Sister Tammi