Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome Bro. Paul and "Games People Play"

Welcoming Brother Paul as our newest member.

In the background, you hear the Spinners singing "Games People Play" while the pastor begins to pull games out of a box. Some may think that they've walked into the wrong place...but there is a point to all of this. How do we treat our service to God?

Some treat their service to God like a game of Yahtze. They roll the dice and see what they get, hoping they can fill in all the boxes before the game ends.

Some treat their service to God like a game of Uno. Hoping to pull all of the wilds and to miss all the draw fours.

Some have "Aggravation" while serving God and can't seem to get beyond it. If they aren't feeling the aggravation, they are causing others to feel it.

In his best Chinese voice: "Chinese Check-ahhhhs". Always trying to out-maneuver their brother or sister.

We treat God and our service to God like a game. We take Him out when we need or want something, then when we've satisfied that want/need, we put the lid back on the box and shove Him to the back of the closet and then wonder why our lives aren't blessed, why the Church isn't being blessed, why the Holy Ghost isn't moving in our services. We want to serve according to our own desires not according to God's desires.

Bottom line: Stop playing games with God and your eternity because when the game is are out of time and will be lost.


Tammy Washburn said...

COOL Object Sermon!
Like it!

Congrats on the new member!


the shuler family said...

Good message!

I was kind of waiting to see if he'd demonstrate Twister :-)

Momma Tammi said...

Tammy--We missed you too!

Ger--If we would have had that particular game, I'm sure he would have tried to demonstrate it too.

Tammy Washburn said...

I just now saw Sis. Shuler's comment....
I'd pay to see that one too!

Haley Rachelle said...

What a neat sermon.