Thursday, July 23, 2009

Did You Know...

...if 4800 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $25, then $120,000 could be raised?

...if 2400 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $50, then $120,000 could be raised?

...if 1200 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $100, again $120,000 could be raised?

Those of us who are members of The Church of God have heard it said, "If the need is presented to the membership, the membership will be faithful to give". We have found out, that when you are starting a work, from the ground up, you don't have the 3 years financial history that the banks want in order to consider you for a bank loan to purchase a property. Therefore, we must raise the money. Most of you know how difficult it can be to raise enough money, in a short amount of time, when you have to pay high rent costs. We will be doing fund raisers, i.e., bake sales, sno-cone sales, etc...but those aren't going to raise the bulk of the funds needed, so...I am appealing to those who read this blog and to any that you know who would be willing to give a one-time offering to help purchase a property for this new congregation. If we would do this for every small church, that does not have a building of their own, it wouldn't be long before they would have their own properties as well. What is the old saying, "Many hands make lite work"? Well...if many were to give, then no one person or small group of people would be carrying the huge load. I realize that in some areas $120,000 would barely be a down payment, but in other areas, it would pay the purchase cost as well as leave a little extra in the expense fund for operating costs.

If you would, prayerfully consider this request. If you would like to donate or know someone who would love to help get this new work off the ground, you can contact me for more information, either in the comment section (leave your e-mail) or e-mail me at Tax receipts will be provided upon request.

Thank you and God bless you!

Sister Tammi

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