Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We went to look at the building last evening. It is a large church that chose to break up the lower level into two different sanctuaries, classrooms, as well as the fellowship hall, while leaving the upper level intact. The point was/is to be able to help smaller congregations or congregations just getting started in having an affordable place to worship until they are financially on their feet. So...the sanctuary that we looked at, will hold 60-80 people, has padded chairs, an electric baby grand, drums, pulpit, sound/video system and one extra classroom. We would also have access to the fellowship hall and baptismal and all that for only $350 per month. We are in the process of coming up with 1st and last months rent and then we'll have a place to worship other than our living rooms. We are having a bake sale on 15 August to raise funds for either the deposits or the building fund, whichever we need it for. We are having our first annual church campout 21-23 August at Wes Watkins Reservoir, just east of OKC, off I-40. Anyone want to join us? We are also looking forward to the Church being set in order in August, just haven't decided on the date yet. A lot of exciting things happening this next month. We invite you to join us for any or all of these happenings, if you are in the area.

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Tammi

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Please pray!

We have an appointment to view a property tomorrow evening. We would be renting until we raise enough to purchase our own. It has a sanctuary, classrooms, the use of the fellowship hall, as well as a baptismal. We need God to lead our guys in knowing whether this is the place that He would have us to meet, so if you would join us in prayer, we would appreciate it.

Had a wonderful service this morning. God's presence moved throughout and the message was anointed. It was refreshing and if you could have been there and weren't...we missed you. Hope to see you next Sunday.

Sister Tammi

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Did You Know...

...if 4800 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $25, then $120,000 could be raised?

...if 2400 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $50, then $120,000 could be raised?

...if 1200 members of The Church of God gave a one-time offering of $100, again $120,000 could be raised?

Those of us who are members of The Church of God have heard it said, "If the need is presented to the membership, the membership will be faithful to give". We have found out, that when you are starting a work, from the ground up, you don't have the 3 years financial history that the banks want in order to consider you for a bank loan to purchase a property. Therefore, we must raise the money. Most of you know how difficult it can be to raise enough money, in a short amount of time, when you have to pay high rent costs. We will be doing fund raisers, i.e., bake sales, sno-cone sales, etc...but those aren't going to raise the bulk of the funds needed, so...I am appealing to those who read this blog and to any that you know who would be willing to give a one-time offering to help purchase a property for this new congregation. If we would do this for every small church, that does not have a building of their own, it wouldn't be long before they would have their own properties as well. What is the old saying, "Many hands make lite work"? Well...if many were to give, then no one person or small group of people would be carrying the huge load. I realize that in some areas $120,000 would barely be a down payment, but in other areas, it would pay the purchase cost as well as leave a little extra in the expense fund for operating costs.

If you would, prayerfully consider this request. If you would like to donate or know someone who would love to help get this new work off the ground, you can contact me for more information, either in the comment section (leave your e-mail) or e-mail me at tcogokc@gmail.com. Tax receipts will be provided upon request.

Thank you and God bless you!

Sister Tammi

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First OFFICIAL Service...

Tonight was our first official service as a mission work here in OKC. Our first unofficial service was the 5th of July with 14 in attendance...tonight we had 19 in attendance. It was a good service. Brother Rob shared the scriptures 'if you need wisdom to ask of God who gives it liberally,' not an exact quote, but you get the idea...then he shared another scripture about Christ being that wisdom and we can gain that wisdom by knowing Christ more through prayer, study, assembling together and then being obedient when the Holy Ghost reveals things in our lives that we need to walk away from.

We are all excited to see how God will use each of us in this work, but most of all, we are excited to see God work in the lives of those who need salvation, need answers to the questions in their lives and need to be healed (physically, emotionally and spiritually). We are busting out of the four walls to "Go ye into ALL the world...". It is our desire to reach out to those that most church goers would shun because they don't fit the mold. No more preaching to the choir...after all...Christ said that those who are whole don't need a physician, but those who are sick. If the "choir" isn't whole after all the years of being preached to, then someone isn't doing their job...it is time to reach out to those who are on the fast track to a devil's hell.

We would appreciate your prayers and occasionally, a word of encouragement would be appreciated too. Time is so short...we must be about the Father's business...it is time to bust out!

Sister Tammi

You are invited!

To: Bible Study
When: Wednesday, 15 July 2009 (tonight)
Where: 12112 South Land Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK
Time: 7:00 P.M.
For further information you may call:
Hope to see you tonight!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First-UNOFFICIAL-Service in OKC

This first service was bittersweet. It was exciting and sad at the same time. Sister Sharon had been praying for so long for this day and yet, instead of being with us in our first service, she was rejoicing around the throne of our Lord and Savior. God called her home just after midnight on the 4th of July. The family chose to go ahead and have service in their home even though she wouldn't be there to join us. It was a wonderful service...God's presence and anointing was felt by all. Brother Rob did a great job moderating the Sunday School portion, teaching the children and providing the music for the worship service. He and Sister Amy sang my favorite song, "He Knows My Name" (I think that is the title) and the entire congregation caught on to the chorus very quickly and we sang it a lot as the Holy Ghost moved throughout. I haven't led congregational singing for 10 years, so I felt a little rusty, but Brother Rob really helped me out. Brother Ray spoke a little of how God laid on our hearts, 6 years ago, to get a work going in OKC, but every door was shut at that time and how God had brought that burden back to us and all the doors were now opening and how God had been dealing with others concerning getting the work going in OKC. You can't start a work without a plan or knowing where you are heading, so Brother Ray laid out 14 points to help focus our attention in getting the work going. Everyone is so excited about getting The Church of God established in OKC, so much in fact, that we all headed to Ricky's for lunch so we could talk and fellowship some more. We had 14 in attendance this morning. What a great way to get started.

While I have closed my personal blog, I hope to keep those who are interested, posted as to how the work is going here in southwest OKC. Whether you comment or not, I do hope that you will be praying for us as we seek to fulfill God's plan for this work and our lives.

God be with you! Sister Tammi