Monday, March 29, 2010

Going for the corn....

In Sunday School, we are doing leadership training. We've been discussing personalities and their differences to determine which type of personality each of us are so that we can understand our strengths and weaknesses. Yesterday, we went a step farther to understand how others view our strengths and weaknesses. It was pretty revealing. We had a great time laughing at some of it, but some of it was pretty sobering. Brother Rob has done an awesome job teaching this leadership class. We have one more class then "Commitment Sunday" where we will be asked to commit to doing something above and beyond the normal commitments...still not certain of what it entails, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do. We were also privileged to have Brother Wayne Dixon and his children Emily and Dakota join us for Sunday School. Hated to see them head back to Arkansas, but since they didn't have the entire family with them, we sadly said "see ya later!"

Last night, Brother Ray preached a message, "Going for the Corn". He brought out how Jacob's family was getting hungry because of the famine in the land and that when they heard there was corn in Egypt, his sons looked around at one another...sounds like some of us some days...but Jacob asked them why they were looking at one another and told them to "GET UP and GO GET THE CORN". God wants to do so much for us, but there are times He wants us to put some effort into getting what we need. If we need to know more of His Word, WE have to study. If we are struggling in an area, then WE have to put the time in to prayer and study to achieve the victory. If we are in financial difficulty (especially if it is our own doing) He expectes US to cut corners, stop overspending and take on extra work to get ourselves out of the difficulties. If we want to see our communities reached...we cannot sit within our four walls and just expect them to walk into our sanctuaries...we have to get out there and let them know that we are here, we have to minister to needs, we have to visit, get to know people, invite other words, we have to stop looking at each other and GO GET THE CORN! The message was concluded with a time of prayer...God's presence was sweet and heavy and everyone felt the solemness in that prayer time as God dealt with hearts. God is so very good to us and so worthy of praise, yet some days, our hearts are so full of praise that we cannot even figure out where to start because we are overwhelmed by Him. We are thankful for His blessings. We are thankful for each member and non-member that He has brought into our congregation. We are thankful for each financial miracle that He has performed since this adventure began and we are confident that whatever He begins, He completes because He counted the cost when He sent His Only Son to die for our sins...we won't come up short as long as we lean on Him and His wisdom/direction.

In other news...we welcomed a new member last night...Sister Jessica Stanley has joined us from Virginia. God has blessed her with a job, that she started last Tuesday and we are blessed to have her here to help Brother Rob work in the youth department. Brother Rob will also be leaving us for a short time while he is deployed. I know that he and Sister Amy would appreciate your prayers for his safety and the well-being of her and the girls while he is gone.

The Wingates and Adams were blessed to have attended Couple's Retreat in Branson, MO the weekend before last. We so enjoyed our time to get to know more brothers and sisters within the region, we made new friends and reconnected with precious friends...the messages, classes and worship times were absolutely wonderful and instructional.

We feel so very blessed here in OKC. If you are in the area, please join us for service...if not...please pray for us. We want God's will to be done here...this is His Church that we are building, not ours, therefore, we need His guidance so that we do it RIGHT!

God be with you and have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Tammy Washburn said...

Tell Bro. Ray...Great topic!